Arts and Crafts Tours

Exciting Plans for 2025
In 2025, Arts and Crafts Tours is meticulously curating four
extraordinary journeys that will transport guests through the heart of the
British Arts and Crafts Movement.
Culinary History and Delights of Scotland
This tour offers a unique blend of art, history, and culinary experiences. Guests will stay at Naworth Castle in the Scottish Borders and explore Scotland’s artistic heritage, focusing on the Arts and Crafts Movement’s influence on architecture, interior design, and culinary traditions. They will enjoy locally sourced cuisine, engage in expert-led discussions, and visit private collections and workshops.
Arts & Crafts Gardens and Houses in Wales
Participants will embark on a captivating journey through the picturesque landscapes and architectural wonders of Wales. From grand country estates to charming cottages, this tour unveils the enduring artistic treasures of the regions. Guests will have exclusive access to private gardens curated by renowned horticulturists, gaining insights into Arts and Crafts garden design principles.
William Morris and His Influence
This signature annual tour delves into the life and legacy of William Morris, a central figure in the Arts and Crafts Movement. Guests will visit locations that inspired Morris’s iconic works, including Kelmscott Manor. Engaging with leading scholars and experts, participants will deepen their understanding of Morris’s contributions to the movement.
The Arts and Crafts and the Celtic Revival in Ireland
Delve into the profound impact of the Arts and Crafts Movement on Ireland’s cultural heritage. With access to private collections and workshops, guests will experience authentic Irish craftsmanship. Expert-led discussions and interactions with local artisans enrich this immersive exploration.
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